My programming learning notes


Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand.

Refactoring — Improving The Design of Existing Code by Martin Fowler



  • 操作系统
  • 数据结构
  • 算法
  • 网络

Web 技术

  • MDN Learn

    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JS
    • Web forms
    • Cross browser testing
    • Accessibility(A11y)
    • Git and GitHub
    • Client-side web-dev tools
    • Client-side JS frameworks
  • ECMAScript articles by Dmitry Soshnikov

    • JavaScript. The Core.
    • JavaScript. The Core. 2nd Edition
    • ECMA-262-3 in detail

      • Execution Contexts
      • Variable object
      • This
      • Scope chain
      • Functions
      • Closures
      • OOP: The general theory
      • OOP: ECMAScript implementation
      • Evaluation strategy
    • ECMA-262-5 in detail

      • Properties and Property Descriptors
      • Strict Mode
      • Lexical environments: Common Theory
      • Lexical environments: ECMAScript implementation
  • How to Read the ECMAScript Specification by Timothy Gu
  • Frontend Masters

    • Complete Intro to React, v8
    • Vue 3 Fundamentals
  • Understanding ECMAScript on
  • freeCodeCamp

    • Responsive Web Design
    • JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures
    • Front End Development Libraries


  1. 要对自己有足够的信心
  2. 明白自己想解决什么问题
  3. 通过看大量知识缩小思考范围
  4. 依葫芦画瓢才会融汇贯通
  5. 把解决方案写下来
  6. 记住——编程的核心是逻辑