



    $ mysql -u root -p
    MariaDB [(none)]> ALTER USER 'user'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'new_password';
    MariaDB [(none)]> FLUSH PRIVILEGES;

更改 root 密码:

    $ sudo systemctl stop mariadb
    $ sudo mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables --skip-networking &
    $ mariadb -u root
    MariaDB [(none)]> FLUSH PRIVILEGES;
    MariaDB [(none)]> ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'new_password_here';
    MariaDB [(none)]> exit
    $ sudo pkill mysqld 
    $ sudo systemctl start mariadb
    $ mariadb -u root -p


NoSQL 的面向文档的数据库。MongoDB 的数据存储的格式为 BSON(a binary version of JSON)。

MongoDB CRUD 概念

MongoDB 数据类型:Null, Boolean, Number, String, Date, Regular Expression, Array, Embeded Document, Object ID


  • $eq Equal
  • $lt less than
  • $lte less than or equal
  • $gt greater than
  • $gte greater than or equal
  • $ne not equal
  • $in in
  • $nin not in


  • $and
  • $or
  • $not
  • $nor


  • $exists
  • $type


  • $size
  • $all
  • $elemMatch


  • sort()
  • limit()


  • $avg
  • $count
  • $sum
  • $max
  • $min


  • getIndexes()
  • explain()
  • createIndex()

关系型数据库和 MongoDB 的对比






——SQL terms and NoSQL terms by Victoria Malaya

MongoDB Shell 的一些操作

# 命令行输入 mongosh
> db
> show databases
# 简单用 show dbs
admin    size
config   size
local    size
## 创建数据库
> use myNewDatabase
switched to db myNewDatabase
## 新建数据表并在数据表中插入数据
myNewDatabase> db.myCollection.insertOne({"name": "tianheg", "age": "21"})
  acknowledged: true,
  insertedIds: { '0': ObjectId("62a0388b921cfec2c6bf8cae") }
myNewDatabase> db.myCollection.insertMany([{ name: "tianheg2", age: "22"}, {name: "tianheg3", age: "23" }])
  acknowledged: true,
  insertedIds: {
    '0': ObjectId("62a0408f921cfec2c6bf8cb0"),
    '1': ObjectId("62a0408f921cfec2c6bf8cb1")
## 仅新建数据表
myNewDatabase> db.createCollection("secondCollection")
{ ok: 1 }
## 在数据表中查询
myNewDatabase> db.myCollection.find({})
# 显示全部数据
# 相当于 `SELECT * FROM myCollection`
myNewDatabase> db.myCollection.find({ name: "tianheg" })
# 相当于 `SELECT * FROM myCollection WHERE name = "tianheg"`
# 条件查询
myNewDatabase> db.myCollection.find({ name: { $in: ["tianheg", "tianheg2" ]}})
# 相当于 `SELECT * FROM myCollection WHERE name in ("tianheg", "tianheg2")`
myNewDatabase> db.myCollection.find({ name: "tianheg", age: { $lt: "23" }})
    _id: ObjectId("62a0388b921cfec2c6bf8cae"),
    name: 'tianheg',
    age: '21'
# 相当于 `SELECT * FROM myCollection WHERE name = "tianheg" AND age < 23`
myNewDatabase> db.myCollection.find({ $or: [{ name: "tianheg" } , { age: { $lt: "23" }} ]})
    _id: ObjectId("62a0388b921cfec2c6bf8cae"),
    name: 'tianheg',
    age: '21'
  { _id: ObjectId("62a03955921cfec2c6bf8caf"), name: 'jim', age: '21' },
    _id: ObjectId("62a0408f921cfec2c6bf8cb0"),
    name: 'tianheg2',
    age: '22'
# 相当于 `SELECT * FROM myCollection WHERE name = "tianheg" OR age < 23`
myNewDatabase> db.myCollection.find({}, {_id: 0} )
# 不显示 _id
## 更新数据
myNewDatabase> db.myCollection.updateOne({ name: "tianheg" }, { $set: { age: "22" }})
# 通过 name 找到要修改的数据条目通过 $set 修改对应的数据属性值
myNewDatabase> db.myCollection.updateMany({ age: { $lt: "22" } }, { $set: { name: "hello" }})
myNewDatabase> db.myCollection.replaceOne({ name: "hello" }, { name: "hello", age: "30"})
## 删除数据不删除索引
myNewDatabase> db.myCollection.deleteMany({})
# 删除表中所有数据
myNewDatabase> db.myCollection.deleteOne({ age: "22"})
{ acknowledged: true, deletedCount: 1 }
# 删除符合条件的第一条数据
## Bulkwrite
myNewDatabase> try {
      { insertOne: { "document": { "_id": 4, "char": "Dithras", "class": "barbarian", "lvl": 4 } } },
      { insertOne: { "document": { "_id": 5, "char": "Taeln", "class": "fighter", "lvl": 3 } } },
      { updateOne : {
         "filter" : { "char" : "Eldon" },
         "update" : { $set : { "status" : "Critical Injury" } }
      } },
      { deleteOne : { "filter" : { "char" : "Brisbane"} } },
      { replaceOne : {
         "filter" : { "char" : "Meldane" },
         "replacement" : { "char" : "Tanys", "class" : "oracle", "lvl": 4 }
      } }
} catch (e) {
  acknowledged: true,
  insertedCount: 2,
  insertedIds: { '0': 4, '1': 5 },
  matchedCount: 0,
  modifiedCount: 0,
  deletedCount: 0,
  upsertedCount: 0,
  upsertedIds: {}

MongoDB 大学课程——M001 MongoDB Basics

Free MongoDB Official Courses | MongoDB University

Chapter 1: What is MongoDB?
  1. Why is MongoDB a NoSQL database?

Because it does not utilize tables, rows and columns to organize data.

Because it uses a structured way to store and access data

  1. What is the MongoDB Database?

The MongoDB database is an organized way to store and access data.

MongoDB is a NoSQL database that uses documents to store data in an organized way.

  1. In MongoDB how does a document relate to a collection?

Collections consist of many documents.

Documents are organized into collections, not the other way around.

Rows, columns and tables are not part of the data organization in MongoDB.

  1. In a MongoDB Document what is the role of fields and values?

A field is a unique identifier for a specific datapoint.

Data is organized in field-value pairs, so each field has a value associated with it.

Replica Set - a few connected machines that store the same data to ensure that if something happens to one of the machines the data will remain intact. Comes from the word replicate - to copy something.

Instance - a single machine locally or in the cloud, running a certain software, in our case it is the MongoDB database.

Cluster - group of servers that store your data.

  1. How is MongoDB Atlas related to MongoDB the Database?

Atlas has many tools and services within it that are built specifically for the MongoDB Database.

They both are MongoDB products.

Chapter 2: Importing, Exporting, and Querying Data

MongoDB stores data in BSON, and you can then view it in JSON.

BSON is faster to parse and lighter to store than JSON.

JSON supports fewer data types than BSON.

mongodump --uri "mongodb+srv://<your username>:<your password>@<your cluster>.mongodb.net/sample_supplies"

mongoexport --uri="mongodb+srv://<your username>:<your password>@<your cluster>.mongodb.net/sample_supplies" --collection=sales --out=sales.json

mongorestore --uri "mongodb+srv://<your username>:<your password>@<your cluster>.mongodb.net/sample_supplies"  --drop dump

mongoimport --uri="mongodb+srv://<your username>:<your password>@<your cluster>.mongodb.net/sample_supplies" --drop sales.json
  1. Which of the following commands will add a collection that is stored in animals.json to an Atlas cluster?

mongoimport can import data from JSON, and other supported non BSON formats.

mongodump exports data in its raw BSON form.

mongorestore imports data from a mongodump created BSON format.

mongoexport does work with JSON, but it would export it, thus making a copy of the data outside of the Atlas cluster, rather than adding a collection to the Atlas cluster.

慢慢筛选数据:={ "birth year": 1961, "start station name": "Howard St & Centre St" }=。

mongosh "mongodb+srv://<username>:<password>@<cluster>.mongodb.net/admin"
show dbs

use sample_training

show collections

db.zips.find({"state": "NY"})

db.zips.find({"state": "NY"}).count()

db.zips.find({"state": "NY", "city": "ALBANY"})默认就是 pretty

db.zips.find({"state": "NY", "city": "ALBANY"}).pretty()
  1. What does it do in the mongo shell?

Iterates through the cursor results

  1. Which of the following statements are true about the mongo shell?

It allows you to interact with your MongoDB instance without using a Graphical User Interface.

It is a fully functioning JavaScript interpreter

The mongo shell does not automatically sort results nor does it return data in sorted order by default. However, you can get a sorted set of documents by using the sort() command which will be discussed later in this course.

Chapter 3: Creating and Manipulating Documents

先讲的是 ObjectId 数据类型。

  1. How does the value of _id get assigned to a document?

When a document is inserted a random field is picked to serve as the _id field.


It is automatically generated as an ObjectId type value.

MongoDB generates a value, so that there is one just in case. You can definitely change the default value to a different value or data type, as long as they are unique to this collection and not an array data type.

MongoDB adds an _id field to any inserted document if it doesn't have one, and it does not utilize other fields for this purpose.

You can assign the _id field values to be sequential integer values, but it is not the default behavior, nor is it best practice.

db.collection.findOne() 用来查看当前 Collection 的 Schema。

  1. Select all true statements from the following list:

If a document is inserted without a provided _id value, then the _id field and value will be automatically generated for the inserted document before insertion.

MongoDB can store duplicate documents in the same collection, as long as their _id values are different.

可以在 MongoDB 网页端进行数据的增删改查(CRUD)。

  1. 找出不属于 MongoDB 数据类型的一组:
  "_id": 1,
  "pet": "cat",
  "attributes": [
    { "coat": "fur", "type": "soft" },
    { "defense": "claws", "location": "paws", "nickname": "murder mittens" }
  "name": "Furball"

我看 attributes 不太符合 JSON,结果却是符合的。


$inc $set $push

给某属性增加数目:=db.zips.updateMany({ city: "HUDSON" }, { "$inc": { "pop": 10}})=

某属性 改变数目:=db.zips.updateMany({ city: "HUDSON" }, { "$set": { "pop": 12345}})=

添加新项目:=db.grades.updateOne({ "student_id": 151, "class_id": 339 }, { "$push": { scores: { type: "extra credit", score: 100}}})=


deleteOne(), deleteMany(), drop()

Removing all collections in a database also remove the database.

Chapter 4: Advanced CRUD Operations

更新操作符:=$inc= =$set= $unset


  • $eq Equal
  • $lt less than
  • $lte less than or equal
  • $gt greater than
  • $gte greater than or equal
  • $ne not equal
  • $in in
  • $nin not in
db.trips.find({ 'birth year': { $gt: 1998 } }).count()
db.trips.find({ 'birth year': 1998 }).count()

Query Operators - Logic

$not 以外的语法:

{ "$<operator>": [{ <clause1> }, { <clause2> }, ...]}

$not 的语法:

{ $not: {<clause>}}
  • $and 默认行为,不指定逻辑操作符时使用
  • $or
  • $not
  • $nor
    $and: [
      { $or: [{ dst_airport: 'KZN' }, { src_airport: 'KZN' }] },
      { $or: [{ airplane: 'CR2' }, { airplane: 'A81' }] },


// 我写的
  .find({ $and: [{ pop: { $gte: 5000 } }, { pop: { $lte: 1000000 } }] })
// 答案写的
db.zips.find({ pop: { $gte: 5000, $lte: 1000000 } }).count()
// 另一种
  .find({ $nor: [{ pop: { $lt: 5000 } }, { pop: { $gt: 1000000 } }] })


// 自己写的
  $or: [
      $and: [
        { founded_year: 2004 },
        { $or: [{ category_code: 'web' }, { category_code: 'social' }] },

      $and: [
        { founded_month: 10 },
        { $or: [{ category_code: 'web' }, { category_code: 'social' }] },

// 答案
    $and: [
      { $or: [{ founded_year: 2004 }, { founded_month: 10 }] },
      { $or: [{ category_code: 'web' }, { category_code: 'social' }] },


$ 除了用在操作符上,还用于获取属性值。

    $expr: {
      $and: [
        { $gt: ['$tripduration', 1200] },
        { $eq: ['$end station id', '$start station id'] },

What are some of the uses for the $ sign in MQL?

  • $ denotes an operator.
  • $ signifies that you are looking at the value of that field rather than the field name.

Array Operators

  amenities: {
    $size: 20,
    $all: [
      'Family/kid friendly',
      'Hair dryer',
      'Laptop friendly workspace',


// 我写的
    { property_type: 'House', amenities: { $all: ['Changing table'] } },
    { amenities: 1 }
// 答案
  .find({ property_type: 'House', amenities: 'Changing table' })
  amenities: {
    $all: ['Free parking on premises', 'Wifi', 'Airconditioning'],
  bedrooms: { $gte: 2 },

Array Operators and Projection

projection 就是可以让属性显示或隐藏的设置区间。

0 表示隐藏某属性,1 表示显示某属性。一般情况下,1 和 0 不能同时出现,但是有例外,当属性为 _id 时。

  .find({ amenities: 'Wifi' }, { price: 1, address: 1, _id: 0 })

  { amenities: 'Wifi' },
  { price: 1, address: 1, _id: 0, maximum_nights: 0 }

  .find({ offices: { $elemMatch: { city: 'Seattle' } } }, { _id: 0 })

Array Operators and Sub-Documents

db.trips.findOne({ 'start station location.type': 'Point' })

db.companies.find({ 'relationships.0.person.first_name': 'Mark' }, { name: 1 })

    'relationships.0.person.first_name': 'Mark',
    'relationships.0.title': { $regex: 'CEO' },
  { name: 1 }

// 答案
db.trips.find({ 'start station location.coordinates.0': { $lt: -74 } }).count()
// 我写的错误答案
    'start station location': { $elemMatch: { 'coordinates[0]': { $eq: 74 } } },


  1. 第一次学习不熟悉
  2. 没有多读几遍题目
Chapter 5: Indexing and Aggregation Pipeline
  { $match: { amenities: 'Wifi' } },
  { $project: { price: 1, address: 1, _id: 0 } },

  { amenities: 'Wifi' },
  { price: 1, address: 1, _id: 0 }

  { $project: { address: 1, _id: 0 } },
  { $group: { _id: '$address.country' } },

  { $project: { address: 1, _id: 0 } },
  { $group: { _id: '$address.country', count: { $sum: 1 } } },

  { $project: { reviews: 0 } },
  { $group: { _id: '$room_type' } },
  • $group 通过 address.country 分组

Aggregation Pipeline 为什么出现?

aggregate() allows us to compute and reshape data in the cursor.

aggregate() can do what find() can and more.


use sample_training

db.zips.find().sort({ "pop": 1 }).limit(1)

db.zips.find({ "pop": 0 }).count()

db.zips.find().sort({ "pop": -1 }).limit(1)

db.zips.find().sort({ "pop": -1 }).limit(10)

db.zips.find().sort({ "pop": 1, "city": -1 })
  .find({ founded_year: { $ne: null } }, { name: 1, founded_year: 1 })
  .sort({ founded_year: 1 })
  .find({ founded_year: { $ne: null } }, { name: 1, founded_year: 1 })
  .sort({ founded_year: 1 })
  .find({ 'birth year': { $ne: '' } })
  .sort({ 'birth year': -1 })

Introduction to Indexes

db.trips.createIndex({ 'start station id': 1, 'birth year': 1 })

什么是 Data Modeling?


什么是 Upsert?

Update + Insert。使用时确保数据库的空间足够。并且数据库中没有相同的数据项。

  { sensor: r.sensor, date: r.date, valcount: { $lt: 48 } },
    $push: { readings: { v: r.value, t: r.time } },
    $inc: { valcount: 1, total: r.value },
  { upsert: true }

When upsert is set to true and the query predicate returns an empty cursor, the update operation creates a new document using the directive from the query predicate and the update predicate.

By default upsert is set to false.

When upsert is set to false and the query predicate returns an empty cursor then there will be no updated documents as a result of this operation.

如果通过 MongoDB 认证考试指南:https://university.mongodb.com/exam/guide

M103 Basic Cluster Administration

  1. 一些 Linux 基础

文件系统,=/etc= 存放系统配置文件、=/home= 是用户家目录、=/var= 存放变量文件。

  • pwd print working directory
  • sudo superuser do
  • chmod 改变文件/文件夹的权限、用户和用户组
  • mkdir
  • rm
  • ls
  • cd
  • cat


user group others
300 -wx
400 r–
500 r-x
600 rw-
700 rwx
730 rwx -wx
740 rwx r–
750 rwx r-x
760 rwx rw-
770 rwx rwx
773 rwx rwx -wx
774 rwx rwx r–
775 rwx rwx r-x
776 rwx rwx rw-
777 rwx rwx rwx

systemd status 14



    sudo chown -R mongodb:mongodb /var/lib/mongodb
    sudo chown mongodb:mongodb /tmp/mongodb-27017.sock
    sudo systemctl restart mongodb
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