Hugo Could not render org

问题得到解决。Hugo 依赖的 go-org 库作者进行了完善,他的 commit 信息

Fix race condition surrounding global orgWriter

Since writers are normally only used synchronously (i.e. to write one document at a time), we don't guard modifications to their internal state (e.g. temporarily replacing the string.Builder in WriteNodesAsString) against race conditions.

The package global `orgWriter` and corresponding use cases of it (`org.String`, `$node.String`) break that pattern - the writer is potentially used from multiple go routines at the same time. This results in race conditions that manifest as error messages like e.g.

could not write output: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference. Using unrendered content.

Additionally, since we catch panics in `Document.Write`, the corresponding stack trace is lost and dependents of go-org never know what hit them.

As using a writer across simultaneously across go routines is not a standard pattern, we'll sync the use of the global `orgWriter` instead of trying to make the actual writer threadsafe; less code noise for the common use case.

这个问题出现过几次,出现频次没有规律。我在 Hugo 论坛发了帖子,一段时间内无人回复,极少有人遇到这样的问题。

执行 hugo 或者 hugo server 命令时会出现:

ERROR 2023/02/12 08:48:55 Could not render org: could not write output: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference. Using unrendered content.

ERROR 2023/03/09 13:55:35 Could not render org: could not write output: runtime error: unsafe.String: len out of range. Using unrendered content.

我不懂 Go 编程语言。无法找到问题所在。目前(<2023-02-14 Tue>),我的博客源码 content/posts 目录下,有 *.md, *.org 两种文件格式,计划后续将剩余的 *.md 文件转为 *.org。

位于 Hugo 论坛的帖子地址:

我在 go-org 发的 issue:

所以,在 Hugo 版本为 0.111.3 以及之后的版本中,不会出现以上错误信息。

Welcome to tell me your thoughts via "email"