
The Professor and the Madman(教授与疯子) - 2019 - 爱尔兰 / 法国 / 冰岛 / 美国 / 墨西哥 / 比利时 / 英国 / 中国香港

"With a great sense of pride I offer myself up as a volunteer."

"Enclosed, please find one-thousand word slips with corresponding quotations from the height and depth of literature. I have derived a key, a type of dictionary within a dictionary that allows for the amassing of words with addended quotations. My request is simple. To make your burden light. Write to me. Tell me what specific words at present shimmer and fade at your grasp. Let useful others troll the oceans with their nets cast wide. I shall throw my line and pluck the very quotes that evade you when you call upon me to do so."

1667 Milton "Paradise Lost". "Very truly yours W.C. Minor, Crowthorne, Berkshire."



1667 弥尔顿 《失乐园》 你最真挚的朋友 W.C. 迈纳,克劳索恩, 伯克郡

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